eh eh

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

is it just doctor-patient relationship?hehe..

aku g interview patient kat ward td sbb tetibe paul soh aku ganti die.he couldnt make it tmrw.sok aku present case aku yang amik td nih.sejam lebey amik history patient aku tu.lelama dgr cite die aku jdk excited.die broken hearted.ksian kat die.muka dahlah first time masuk psych unit.alim plak tu(christian ah tp..heheh).for the past 7 years he had keep his heart only for that girl that he is always dreaming of.then bile jmpe balik n bile die confess that girl ckp die dh ade bf.erghhh my patient ni byk kali convince kan diri die yang everything that had happened is good for both of them.he's happy that she has found her man.n he decided to hidup mcm biasa.buang sume kenangan or dreams yang slalu diangan2kan...

tak tahan sedey cite die.tu la nape tak ckp kat pompuan tu dulu yang die suke.hmm..skang ni die try to cope living his life without thinking about her.fikiran die agak bercelaru skang.die terpk nk drown himself down kat river aritu.but then he decided not to do it when his heart tak sggp buat cmtu.sian...jangan ah bunuh diri.ko ensem..ngahahaha.byk je lagi gurl lain yang will fall for u.dun worry..

heheh ms interview aku ade je tanye soklan yang takde kena mengena pon.yang bukan soklan doctors pon aku tu aku rasa more like a friend yang nk tau mslh kwn die.aku tanye cantik ke that girl?die baik?knape ko suke die?hehehe...personal question.hehe takpe takde consultant aku pon kat ctu at that time.

ahaha memain je.aku tau die mentally ill.suke tgk character die.memalu bile aku tanye.senyuman yang comel.=p

aku nk jadik doctor psych la or GP je.nk borak2 je ngan patient smbil treat aku bukan surgeon.igt pas grad nk balik msia for good.ksian kat mak aku plak rsnye.leh aku duk ngan parents aku jap sblm kawen(kalo kawen la..huhu).dh lama tak duk ngan family rsnye.

jumaat nih ade gurls nite.perform?ntah ah.tak berlatih pape pon lagi ni.lagu pon tak pilih.hahah perform je la ape2 yang buley.takde perasaan sgt sbnrnye kali ni nye gurls nite.sbb dh tua ke? kot.tgk ah cmne nnti bincang ngan rok khamis nnti.


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